Post services / Ports / Airports

The express mail sector has been expanding in recent years in Serbia. Private companies have taken good part of this business from Post Serbia and their share of the market. Trasing is very active in this segment as some of our biggest clients come from this industry. The development of e-commerce, problems with the Covid-19 virus pandemic, as well as changes in the habits and ways of shopping among the population – these are the reasons for which this branch of the industry is advancing rapidly.

Thanks to our experience, we can say that the success of these companies on the market is directly proportional to the degree of automation that logistics companies have achieved/implemented in their work process.

Some of the biggest, as well as technologically pioneering projects in Serbia, have been carried out by Trasing in this field.

Trasing offers its clients standard systems for the transport of shipments (letters, boxes, pallets, bags.) as well as the transport of pallets. Our products for the intralogistics are tailored to the specific needs of customers: weighing scale conveyors, lifting and lowering devices for load conveying, as well as scaling and scanning devices and ultimately sorting of post and parcel as well as other goods and loads.

A special area in this section is represented by sorting systems, which we are particularly proud of. Trasing delivers systems (turnkey) for sorting post and parcel with a capacity of up to 12,000 pieces per hour.